Лексика по теме: «Природные явления: вода»

Задание 1. написать высказывание о любимом времени года


► humid [‘hjuːmɪd] (climate) — влажный (климат) 
► dry [draɪ] (climate) — сухой (климат) 
► mild [maɪld] (climate) — мягкий (климат) 
► continental [ˌkɔntɪ’nent(ə)l](climate) — континентальный (климат) 
► warm [wɔːm](climate) — теплый, жаркий (климат) 
► lovely [‘lʌvlɪ](weather) — прекрасная (погода) 
► changeable [‘ʧeɪnʤəbl] (weather) — изменчивая (погода) 
► dreadful [‘dredf(ə)l], [-ful] (weather) — ужасная (погода) 
► unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪ’dɪktəbl] (weather) — непредсказуемая (погода) 

aridclimate — сухой климат; 
temperateclimate — умеренный климат; 
tropicalclimate — тропический климат; 
genialclimate — мягкий, умеренный климат; 
rigorousclimate (severe) — суровый, холодный климат; 
freakishclimate — непостоянный климат; 
kindlyclimate — хороший, благоприятный климат; 
hot/torridclimate — жаркий климат 

Переносный смысл 
► climateofopinion — состояние общественного мнения 
► in a friendlyclimate — в атмосфере дружбы 
► internationalclimate — международная обстановка

1        water      вода    

2          waterways        водные пути   

3          watery  водянистый    

4          flow     течь    

5          pour     лить    

6          surface поверхность   

7          bottom дно     

8          deep     глубокий        

9          deep-sea           глубоководный          

10        shallow мелкий

11        bed       русло  

12        source  исток  

13        tributary           приток

14        mouth  устье   

15        flow into          впадать           

16        ocean   океан  

17        world ocean      мировойокеан

18        sea       море   

19        Mediterranean sea        Средиземноеморе       

20        Black sea          Черноеморе    

21        seashore           морской берег

22        seasideresort     морской курорт          

23        river     река    

24        upstream          вверх по реке 

25        downstream     вниз по реке   

26        freshwaterfish  речная рыба    

27        reservoir           водохранилище          

28        lake      озеро  

29        waterfalls         водопад          

30        pond    пруд   

31        dam     плотина          

32        stream  ручей  

33        marsh   болото

34        bank     берег речной  

35        shore    берег морской

36        coast    побережье      

37        island   остров

38        peninsular        полуостров     

39        isthmus            перешеек        

40        cape     мыс     

41        cliff      скала  

42        reef      риф     

43        coral reef          коралловыйриф          

44        spring   родник

45        fountain           фонтан

46        canal    канал  

47        swimmingpool бассейн плавательный

48        basin    бассейн реки  

49        aquapark          аквапарк         

50        beach   пляж

Задание 2. перевести текст

Our amazing planet is mysterious and extraordinary. It is full of unique phenomena and mysteries. Every day nature pleases us with beautiful sunsets, autumn cobwebs, and a starry sky. Someone enjoys the morning dew, others breathe the frosty air while admiring the white canvas of hoarfrost. But often nature amazes and makes admire such phenomena that literally fascinate or, conversely, induce terrible fear.

You can observe various natural phenomena in different places on Earth. For example, aurora can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. For the first time the northern lights saw the Scandinavian peoples, deciding that this is a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. In fact, the aurora has an electrical origin. Millions of charged particles collide in air molecules thereby forming a glow. Thanks to oxygen, light is reflected in yellow, green, red. Blue and purple are formed with nitrogen.

Rainbow is the most joyful and amazing phenomenon of nature. A rainbow can be observed immediately after a rain, in the form of reflection of sunlight in water droplets that remain in the air after a rain. The light is refracted and gives us seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. Rainbow is also double.

The inhabitants of the earth very often can observe an amazing cosmic phenomenon — star rain or stargazing. If you look at the sky, we will see a lot of luminous points that fly from top to bottom towards our planet. During the flight, these points, like her small stars, leave behind a trail of luminous stripes. They do not reach the earth, and burn in the atmosphere in the form of a bright flash. In fact, as scientists explain, falling bodies are not stars, they are meteors. Meteor rain is formed annually during the collision of the Earth with the cosmic flow of meteor particles

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